無法恢復!微軟 Windows Defender 誤刪開始功能表和通知列快捷
不久前,有 Win10 / 11 用戶反應,自己電腦開始功能表或任務欄中的快捷列離奇消失!目前微軟確認,旗下防毒軟體 Microsoft Defender 的更新,誤刪了 Win10 與 Win11 系統中的此兩項功能…
據悉,該問題是由於啟用了 Attack Surface Reduction(ASR)規則「阻止來自 Office Win32 API 調用」而導致的錯誤刪除。
目前來看,該 Bug 僅對有使用 Microsoft 365 的企業或組織造成影響,一般家庭用戶目前仍是安全的。根據微軟方面的說法,雖然該問題已經在 Microsoft Defender 最新的 1.381.2164.0 更新中獲得了修復,但這並不會恢復已經被刪除的開始功能表和快捷欄,因此,受此 Bug 影響的用戶,將需要自行創建或恢復這些被誤刪的快捷方式。
The fix has completed its deployment, which will prevent additional impact from occurring. We're also continuing our investigation into the issue, and further detail can be found under MO497128 in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
— Microsoft 365 Status (@MSFT365Status) January 13, 2023
This issue is resolved in security intelligence update build 1.381.2164.0. Installing build 1.381.2164.0 or later should prevent the issue, but it will not restore previously deleted shortcuts. You will need to recreate or restore these shortcuts through other methods. https://t.co/YGXWqq6OpZ
— Windows IT Pro (@MSWindowsITPro) January 13, 2023
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